Healthcare, Medical Associations, and Local Business Digital Marketing


Why Search Engine Rankings Change

If you watch your company's search engine positioning, you probably notice that your website moves up and down the rankings and can even move from page 1 to page 2 and then, hopefully, back to page 1 again. In many cases small business websites can…

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Google Pay Per Click Advertising

Google Pay Per Click advertising (PPC) is one of the most highly targeted & effective methods of gaining new visitors to your website. In this post I will provide a brief explanation of the core concepts that I explain to our clients. Online ad…

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What is SEO? How can I move up in Google?

The question "why is my website not in the search results?" is the most common question we receive from prospective clients. If you can view your website online, the search engines will definitely find it. The question is, what do search engines Read Full Article

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